Peru |
Barrick�s environmental foes jump on wobbly miner by MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT , Globe and Mail April 25th, 2013 The long term outlook for Barrick shares hinges on many factors: the gold price is obviously the biggest driver, but the company also faces vociferous opposition from environmentalists and many residents around its mine sites, which should be a long term worry for shareholders. |
New Report! "Debunking Barrick" by multiple authors, ProtestBarrick April 23rd, 2013 As Protest Barrick completes its sixth year of working with communities impacted by Barrick Gold, we are publishing a different kind of alternative annual report. We have noticed over the years that despite some of Barrick`s major abuses coming into light, the company has been able to maintain � within select circles � a reputation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meanwhile, around the world, Barrick�s name is still associated with corruption, abuse and environmental harms. |
2012-13: Un mal a�o para Barrick April 19th, 2013 Extracto de "Debunking Barrick", un informe anual alternativo sobre Barrick Gold. |
2012-13: A bad year for Barrick excerpt of "Debunking Barrick", an alternative annual report on Barrick Gold April 18th, 2013 Before you think about investing in Barrick, check out this timeline of actions against Barrick's operations around the world since last July. |
CONFRONT BARRICK: 2013 AGM Protest and Alternative Annual Report! Once a year, the board of Directors of the world�s most powerful gold mining corporation converge in downtown Toronto. This year, we're releasing a report that chronicles Barrick's lies and highlights the true stories behind their false CSR spin. Help us ensure that these stories don't get ignored. |
Conflicts surrounding Canadian mines �a serious problem� by Catherine Solyom, Montreal Gazette December 18th, 2012 Canadians abroad have long benefited from what psychologists call �the halo effect�: Because of its reputation as a peace-loving, human-rights respecting, tree-hugging land, Canada can do no wrong. But perceptions in Latin America are changing, say observers here and there, as conflicts pitting Canadian mines against local communities become entrenched and spread across continents, and the line between those companies and the Canadian government becomes increasingly blurred. |
Ottawa signals shift in foreign-aid policy toward private sector by KIM MACKRAEL, Globe and Mail November 22nd, 2012 The federal government is signalling a profound shift in its approach to foreign aid that could see Canada�s international development agency align itself more closely with the private sector and work more explicitly to promote Canada�s interests abroad. |
A chronology of Canadian Government (in)action on mining abuses by Sakura Saunders, editor November 1st, 2012 A summary of the regulatory context of international mining in Canada, where 75% of the world's mining and exploration companies are based. |
Peru to Investigate Death In Barrick Gold Protests Peruvian Times September 22nd, 2012 Cabinet chief Juan Jimenez said an investigation will be launched into the death of an individual this week during protests against Canadian mining major Barrick Gold in Peru. |
Mining, CIDA partnership in Peru is pacification program, not development: Local indigenous rep writes to World Vision, Barrick Gold, CIDA asking them to stop. by Rick Arnold, Embassy Magazine March 5th, 2012 Controversy erupted recently about new funding arrangements announced by the Canadian International Development Agency that would hook CIDA up with the mining industry and have both channelling funds to South America and Africa via a handful of international NGOs. One of those projects connects CIDA, Barrick Gold, and World Vision in Peru. But little coverage has focused on the real story behind this �development� initiative targeting community members in the district of Quiruvilca, north-west of the capital city of Lima. Opposition to Barrick�s presence in the Quiruvilca district goes back several years. For example, on Feb. 9, 2007 some 3,000 people demonstrated against ongoing Barrick operations in the district. |
Foreign Aid to Mining Firms by Gwendolyn Schulman, Roberto Nieto, The Dominion Paper (Canada) December 19th, 2011 The Harper government recently announced a publicly funded agreement between three of Canada�s mining giants and three of Canada�s leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The agreement, which marks a significant shift in how mining and politics mix, elicited little more than a yawn from the media. But a closer look reveals this partnership is transforming Canada�s aid landscape�with disturbing implications. |
Foreign Aid to Mining Firms by Gwendolyn Schulman, Roberto Nieto, The Dominion Paper (Canada) December 19th, 2011 The Harper government recently announced a publicly funded agreement between three of Canada�s mining giants and three of Canada�s leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The agreement, which marks a significant shift in how mining and politics mix, elicited little more than a yawn from the media. But a closer look reveals this partnership is transforming Canada�s aid landscape�with disturbing implications. |
Barrick Gold in Peru November 24th, 2011 There's no doubt that Peru is of utmost importance to the mining sector generally, and to Barrick Gold in particular. In 2008, 60 per cent of Peru�s exports came from the mining sector. �Peru, in particular, has been a motor of development for the corporation,� said Aaron Regent, Barrick�s CEO, in 2010. The Pierina mine, near the highland city of Huaraz, in the department of Ancash, emerged as a flashpoint for conflict in Peru. In 2006, two miners were killed by police during demonstrations by workers and local community members demanding higher wages. Production at Pierina started in 1998, and the company has extended the mine life to 2014 because of high gold prices. |
Pay Dirt? by Michelle Slater, Castlemaine Independent July 27th, 2011 Can gold ever be ethical? |
Informe narrativo: Manifestaci�n contra reuni�n de accionistas de la Barrick, movilizando en apoyo a comunidades afectadas El equipo est� actualmente en Toronto, Canad�, para la reuni�n anual general de la Barrick Gold y nuestra quinta gira con comunidades afectadas. Este a�o participan representantes de comunidades de Papua Nueva Guinea, y esperamos (si logren sus visas) que se sumar�n desde Tanzania y las Filipinas tambi�n. |
REPORT BACK: Barrick shareholder protest, mobilising in support of impacted communities The team is currently in Toronto, Canada for the Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our 5th speaking tour with Barrick mining impacted communities. This year we are joined by Papua New Guinean community and hopefully (visas permitting) community from Tanzania and the Philippines. |
'�Barrick Gold limpien el desastre! Derecho a la vida por encima de las ganancias del oro' TORONTO [CANAD�], 27 de abril, 2011 � Hoy, durante la asamblea general anual (AGM) de la empresa minera Barrick Gold en Toronto (Canad�), Amigos de la Tierra Internacional apoya un fuerte llamado de las comunidades del mundo a detener la miner�a de oro y las pr�cticas destructivas de Barrick Gold. Campa�istas est�n presentes en la asamblea y se sumaron a una manifestaci�n frente al lugar. Barrick Gold, la minera de oro m�s grande del mundo, ha sido objeto de muchos estudios que documentan violaciones a los derechos humanos y devastaci�n ambiental a nivel mundial, en pa�ses como Filipinas, Tanzania y Australia. |
Munk�s dubious mining morality by John McKay, Liberal MP, Ottawa, The CANADIAN PRESS Re: Lack of support for mining bill, Letter Oct. 31 Barrick Gold Corp.�s Peter Munk raises three very dubious moral arguments in his triumphalist celebration of the defeat of C-300. The first is that mining is important to our economy. True. Apparently as long as it is generating wealth for Canada, abuse of basic human rights, degradation of the host country�s environment, and criminal code offences are okay. Interesting moral equation. |
Testimony before Canadian Parliament re Barrick & Porgera JV (Papua New Guinea) Business and Human Rights Resource Centre In October & November 2009, the Canadian House of Commons' Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & Intl. Development held hearings on "Bill C-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability". The following statements were made regarding issues including allegations of killings, rape & other security problems involving personnel at the Porgera Joint Venture in Papua New Guinea, as well as the Porgera mine's environmental impacts. (Barrick Gold holds a large majority stake of the Porgera Joint Venture.) |
Campaign to Ban Cyanide in Latin America launched Mines and Communitiesq Civil society organisations, trade organisations and unions, communities, academics and governments are being called on to strive for the banning of the use of cyanide in mining activities throughout Latin America, based on the information that accompanies this campaign launch. |