New Report! "Debunking Barrick" by multiple authors, ProtestBarrick April 23rd, 2013 | ||
Download report here. As Protest Barrick completes its sixth year of working with communities impacted by Barrick Gold, we are publishing a different kind of alternative annual report. We have noticed over the years that despite some of Barrick`s major abuses coming into light, the company has been able to maintain � within select circles � a reputation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meanwhile, around the world, Barrick�s name is still associated with corruption, abuse and environmental harms. This report intends to explain this disconnect. With information provided for us by front-line communities, we will attempt to reconcile their truth with Barrick�s lies. Luckily, throughout the years, Barrick has been caught misrepresenting themselves, hiding information, and engaging in cover-ups and acts of intimidation to hide their human rights and environmental abuses. This behaviour has improved Barrick�s image with the CSR industry as much as it has emboldened movements against Barrick�s corruption in the countries in which they operate.Interestingly, as the prices of Barrick�s shares have plummeted due to rising costs, lawsuits, and bad decision-making, their executives and board members still claim high bonuses due to the company�s CSR targets. We expect this report to be of interest to investors and social justice advocates alike. Join us as we debunk Barrick�s CSR programs and their socially responsible image, revealing a pathological company ignoring the warning signs of numerous conflicts across the globe. |