Peru |
Barrick�s environmental foes jump on wobbly miner by MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT , Globe and Mail April 25th, 2013 The long term outlook for Barrick shares hinges on many factors: the gold price is obviously the biggest driver, but the company also faces vociferous opposition from environmentalists and many residents around its mine sites, which should be a long term worry for shareholders. |
New Report! "Debunking Barrick" by multiple authors, ProtestBarrick April 23rd, 2013 As Protest Barrick completes its sixth year of working with communities impacted by Barrick Gold, we are publishing a different kind of alternative annual report. We have noticed over the years that despite some of Barrick`s major abuses coming into light, the company has been able to maintain � within select circles � a reputation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meanwhile, around the world, Barrick�s name is still associated with corruption, abuse and environmental harms. |
2012-13: Un mal a�o para Barrick April 19th, 2013 Extracto de "Debunking Barrick", un informe anual alternativo sobre Barrick Gold. |
2012-13: A bad year for Barrick excerpt of "Debunking Barrick", an alternative annual report on Barrick Gold April 18th, 2013 Before you think about investing in Barrick, check out this timeline of actions against Barrick's operations around the world since last July. |
CONFRONT BARRICK: 2013 AGM Protest and Alternative Annual Report! Once a year, the board of Directors of the world�s most powerful gold mining corporation converge in downtown Toronto. This year, we're releasing a report that chronicles Barrick's lies and highlights the true stories behind their false CSR spin. Help us ensure that these stories don't get ignored. |
Conflicts surrounding Canadian mines �a serious problem� by Catherine Solyom, Montreal Gazette December 18th, 2012 Canadians abroad have long benefited from what psychologists call �the halo effect�: Because of its reputation as a peace-loving, human-rights respecting, tree-hugging land, Canada can do no wrong. But perceptions in Latin America are changing, say observers here and there, as conflicts pitting Canadian mines against local communities become entrenched and spread across continents, and the line between those companies and the Canadian government becomes increasingly blurred. |
Ottawa signals shift in foreign-aid policy toward private sector by KIM MACKRAEL, Globe and Mail November 22nd, 2012 The federal government is signalling a profound shift in its approach to foreign aid that could see Canada�s international development agency align itself more closely with the private sector and work more explicitly to promote Canada�s interests abroad. |
A chronology of Canadian Government (in)action on mining abuses by Sakura Saunders, editor November 1st, 2012 A summary of the regulatory context of international mining in Canada, where 75% of the world's mining and exploration companies are based. |
Peru to Investigate Death In Barrick Gold Protests Peruvian Times September 22nd, 2012 Cabinet chief Juan Jimenez said an investigation will be launched into the death of an individual this week during protests against Canadian mining major Barrick Gold in Peru. |
Mining, CIDA partnership in Peru is pacification program, not development: Local indigenous rep writes to World Vision, Barrick Gold, CIDA asking them to stop. by Rick Arnold, Embassy Magazine March 5th, 2012 Controversy erupted recently about new funding arrangements announced by the Canadian International Development Agency that would hook CIDA up with the mining industry and have both channelling funds to South America and Africa via a handful of international NGOs. One of those projects connects CIDA, Barrick Gold, and World Vision in Peru. But little coverage has focused on the real story behind this �development� initiative targeting community members in the district of Quiruvilca, north-west of the capital city of Lima. Opposition to Barrick�s presence in the Quiruvilca district goes back several years. For example, on Feb. 9, 2007 some 3,000 people demonstrated against ongoing Barrick operations in the district. |
Foreign Aid to Mining Firms by Gwendolyn Schulman, Roberto Nieto, The Dominion Paper (Canada) December 19th, 2011 The Harper government recently announced a publicly funded agreement between three of Canada�s mining giants and three of Canada�s leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The agreement, which marks a significant shift in how mining and politics mix, elicited little more than a yawn from the media. But a closer look reveals this partnership is transforming Canada�s aid landscape�with disturbing implications. |
Foreign Aid to Mining Firms by Gwendolyn Schulman, Roberto Nieto, The Dominion Paper (Canada) December 19th, 2011 The Harper government recently announced a publicly funded agreement between three of Canada�s mining giants and three of Canada�s leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The agreement, which marks a significant shift in how mining and politics mix, elicited little more than a yawn from the media. But a closer look reveals this partnership is transforming Canada�s aid landscape�with disturbing implications. |
Barrick Gold in Peru November 24th, 2011 There's no doubt that Peru is of utmost importance to the mining sector generally, and to Barrick Gold in particular. In 2008, 60 per cent of Peru�s exports came from the mining sector. �Peru, in particular, has been a motor of development for the corporation,� said Aaron Regent, Barrick�s CEO, in 2010. The Pierina mine, near the highland city of Huaraz, in the department of Ancash, emerged as a flashpoint for conflict in Peru. In 2006, two miners were killed by police during demonstrations by workers and local community members demanding higher wages. Production at Pierina started in 1998, and the company has extended the mine life to 2014 because of high gold prices. |
Pay Dirt? by Michelle Slater, Castlemaine Independent July 27th, 2011 Can gold ever be ethical? |
Informe narrativo: Manifestaci�n contra reuni�n de accionistas de la Barrick, movilizando en apoyo a comunidades afectadas El equipo est� actualmente en Toronto, Canad�, para la reuni�n anual general de la Barrick Gold y nuestra quinta gira con comunidades afectadas. Este a�o participan representantes de comunidades de Papua Nueva Guinea, y esperamos (si logren sus visas) que se sumar�n desde Tanzania y las Filipinas tambi�n. |
REPORT BACK: Barrick shareholder protest, mobilising in support of impacted communities The team is currently in Toronto, Canada for the Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our 5th speaking tour with Barrick mining impacted communities. This year we are joined by Papua New Guinean community and hopefully (visas permitting) community from Tanzania and the Philippines. |
'�Barrick Gold limpien el desastre! Derecho a la vida por encima de las ganancias del oro' TORONTO [CANAD�], 27 de abril, 2011 � Hoy, durante la asamblea general anual (AGM) de la empresa minera Barrick Gold en Toronto (Canad�), Amigos de la Tierra Internacional apoya un fuerte llamado de las comunidades del mundo a detener la miner�a de oro y las pr�cticas destructivas de Barrick Gold. Campa�istas est�n presentes en la asamblea y se sumaron a una manifestaci�n frente al lugar. Barrick Gold, la minera de oro m�s grande del mundo, ha sido objeto de muchos estudios que documentan violaciones a los derechos humanos y devastaci�n ambiental a nivel mundial, en pa�ses como Filipinas, Tanzania y Australia. |
Munk�s dubious mining morality by John McKay, Liberal MP, Ottawa, The CANADIAN PRESS Re: Lack of support for mining bill, Letter Oct. 31 Barrick Gold Corp.�s Peter Munk raises three very dubious moral arguments in his triumphalist celebration of the defeat of C-300. The first is that mining is important to our economy. True. Apparently as long as it is generating wealth for Canada, abuse of basic human rights, degradation of the host country�s environment, and criminal code offences are okay. Interesting moral equation. |
Testimony before Canadian Parliament re Barrick & Porgera JV (Papua New Guinea) Business and Human Rights Resource Centre In October & November 2009, the Canadian House of Commons' Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & Intl. Development held hearings on "Bill C-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability". The following statements were made regarding issues including allegations of killings, rape & other security problems involving personnel at the Porgera Joint Venture in Papua New Guinea, as well as the Porgera mine's environmental impacts. (Barrick Gold holds a large majority stake of the Porgera Joint Venture.) |
Campaign to Ban Cyanide in Latin America launched Mines and Communitiesq Civil society organisations, trade organisations and unions, communities, academics and governments are being called on to strive for the banning of the use of cyanide in mining activities throughout Latin America, based on the information that accompanies this campaign launch. |
Barrick Gold year in Review: One Company, 9 Countries, Countless abuses by Sakura Saunders, editor April 26th, 2010 From mass poisonings and mass mobilizations in the Dominican Republic, to damning reports in PNG and Tanzania to lawsuits in Chile and the US, Barrick has had its hands full this year in dealing with mounting opposition to its mines. In this Year in Review, you'll find out the ways that Barrick has damaged communities around the world and the many ways that communities are fighting back and demanding justice. |
** BARRICK MINING DISASTERS - Emergency Funds Needed ** May 21st, 2009 This has been a crazy past few weeks to be watchdogging Barrick Gold. Within the first week of starting our annual ProtestBarrick tour in Toronto, a Barrick-recommended military force in PNG started to torch hundreds of houses, allegedly to clear way for mine expansion. SO... we changed plans a bit, MiningWatch Canada sent an Urgent Appeal to several United Nations Special Rapporteurs and now we are now attending the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York! Amnesty International has also made a public statement on the recent events at Porgera. |
Corporate Social Responsibility Rules for Mining Industry Blasted: Barrick Gold Implicated by Lee Berthiaume, Embassy Magazine April 1st, 2009 The Conservative government has rejected joint civil society-private sector calls to tie diplomatic and economic support for Canadian oil, gas and mining companies operating in developing countries to socially responsible conduct abroad. As a result, there are charges the government�allegedly influenced by mining giant Barrick Gold and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce�has given the green light for misbehaviour abroad, and killed the temporary peace between NGOs and mining companies. |
UN to tackle mercury menace by MICHAEL RICHARDSON, The Canberra Times March 3rd, 2009 Fear sparked by global recession, strains on banks and volatile paper currencies has brought the glitter back to gold. Its value has been rising rapidly in recent months, as investors seek a safe-haven from the economic and financial storm. |
Middle East & Africa:
Mining � Tarnishing Canada�s name Ethical Corporation February 10th, 2009 With many African mining firms about to face bankruptcy, foreign investors� ability to creating sustainable mining communities will be tested. Shielded from public view by their giant rivals BHP Billiton and AngloAmerican, a cluster of small Canadian firms has quietly revolutionised African mining. |
The Real Price of Gold by Brook Larmer, National Geographic February 10th, 2009 Like many of his Inca ancestors, Juan Apaza is possessed by gold. Descending into an icy tunnel 17,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes, the 44-year-old miner stuffs a wad of coca leaves into his mouth to brace himself for the inevitable hunger and fatigue. For 30 days each month Apaza toils, without pay, deep inside this mine dug down under a glacier above the world's highest town, La Rinconada. For 30 days he faces the dangers that have killed many of his fellow miners�explosives, toxic gases, tunnel collapses�to extract the gold that the world demands. |
Norway's sovereign wealth fund drops yet another mining investment; this time it's Barrick by Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb February 2nd, 2009 A dispute over the riverine disposal methods utilized by Barrick's Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea has prompted Norway's Ministry of Finance to drop Barrick from Norway's Government Pension Fund-Global investments, valued at $188.3 million. |
Is Gold the duddest of dud investments? Commodity Online February 2nd, 2009 Everyone is buying gold. The frantic pace with which people are buying gold have prompted some to comment that gold has lost value as a commodity. According to Merrill Lynch, gold is "the duddest of dud investments." Ever since the U.S. dollar went off the gold standard, gold has had no special value as a commodity, with only 280 tons going to industrial uses per year. |
Worst Companies in the World: US, Monsanto, Peabody and Barrick by Brenda Norrell, The Narcosphere The United States was voted the Worst Company in the World, followed by Monsanto, Peabody Energy Corp. and Barrick Gold |
US and Canada Found Guilty of Racism by Haider Rizvin, Inter Press Service August 8th, 2008 UNITED NATIONS - The international community now fully recognises the native peoples' right to protect their lands and live distinct lifestyles. Yet, most of the world's 370 million indigenous peoples continue to face abuse and injustices at the hands of state authorities and commercial concerns. |
Peru mines hit by nationwide mining strike by By Dana Ford and Teresa Cespedes, Reuters July 1st, 2008 Workers at several big mines in Peru went on strike Monday and joined a nationwide walkout, hoping to pressure Congress to pass a bill that would give them a greater share of profits from sky-high metals prices. |
Peru Set To Strike by By Greg Peel, FN Arena June 30th, 2008 Some 47 unions in Peru were preparing to strike at midnight on Sunday, Reuters reports, in order to influence the Peruvian Congress to approve a law which would eliminate limits on profit sharing. Mine workers have watched as Peru's economy has boomed over the past six years, but say they are not getting a fair share of the profits. |
ACTION ALERT: Protesters Demand Accountability Outside Barrick Gold's AGM May 6th, 2008 On 6 May protesters gathered outside Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting to protest the companies destructive mining operations around the world. |
Union at Barrick in Peru leaning toward strike Reuters LIMA, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Union workers at Barrick Gold's Pierina mine in Peru voted on Monday in favor of a strike, but they have yet to pick a day to start the walkout and other workers still need to approve the plan. |
Residents of Condorwain Range Demand Withdrawal of Barrick Gold July 26th, 2007 The last few weeks have born witness to widespread marches and demonstrations of farmerworker unions, campesinos and communities affected by mining throughout Per�. All of them are demanding that the Central Government comply with their electoral promises and NO to the Free Trade Agreement; to this date, the government has not responded and has ignored the demands of this important social sector, meanwhile the social conflict continues to brew. |
SENTENCE ISSUED BY THE TRIBUNAL ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE IN THE PUBLIC POLITICAL TRIBUNAL CARRIED OUT AGAINST BARRICK MISQUICHILCA, PIERNA AND THE CONDORWAIN-CONITO PROJECTS. Translation of the sentence issued in the International Tribunal Against Barrick Misquichilca carried out in Huaraz, Peru on May 2, 2007 as part of the International Day of Action Against Barrick Gold |
Ancash citizens start new protests against Barrick Gold Coordinadora Nacional de Radio Various civil society organisations of the Huaylas Callej�n started a series of protests against the mining company Barrick Misquichilca. The company refuses to paralyse its exploration work on the Condorhuain mountain even though the area was declared. |
Barrick Gold Mining Conflict Leaves Two Dead in Per� La Republica, Peru May 7th, 2006 Thousands of campesinos from the 18 communities located in the high reaches of the Sechta mountains, location of the Barrick Gold Pierina Mines, protested May 6 to demand investigations and justice after the deaths of two of their members who were killed in a confrontation between police and community members. The incident took place Friday May 5, and left an additional twenty persons seriously injured, among them some policemen. |
Peru strikers clash over Barrick tax ruling Reuters March 7th, 2005 Thousands of protesters angry at a court decision to waive a $141 million tax payment levied on Canadian miner Barrick Gold Inc. clashed with riot police in Peru's central Andes on Monday, the latest in a run of anti-mining protests in the mineral-rich nation. |
Regional Strike Against Canadian Mining Companies by Nicaragua Solidarity Network of NY, |