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Munk OUT of UofT

by Sakura SaundersNow Toronto
March 31st, 2015
Regardless of technical legality, Baird's former department oversaw the transfer of millions of dollars of public monies to Barrick Gold and Munk's projects

Barrick destroys communities around the world in their pathological quest for a metal that we no longer need to mine. Join us as we stand in solidarity with communities directly impacted by this gold mining giant!

Follow the Money, Part 2 -- Barrick Gold's Peter Munk

Ex-UofT President David Naylor gets named to Barrick Board of Directors
Munk OUT of UofT
December 8th, 2013
If there was ever any doubt that the Munk School's creation was marked by corruption and secrecy, this revelation should confirm our long-standing suspicions. This week, Barrick announced that it would be adding ex-University of Toronto President, David Naylor, to the companies list of "independent" directors. This appointment comes just four years after Naylor signed the controversial "Munk Contract" in secret, by-passing even the school's governing council.

Corporate Knights defend abusive corporations
by Sakura SaundersAn edited version appeared in NOW Magazine
June 13th, 2013
You only need to check out Corporate Knights magazine�s just-issued Best 50 Corporate Citizens In Canada index to get that �clean capitalism� is all show, no substance.

Barrick�s environmental foes jump on wobbly miner
April 25th, 2013
The long term outlook for Barrick shares hinges on many factors: the gold price is obviously the biggest driver, but the company also faces vociferous opposition from environmentalists and many residents around its mine sites, which should be a long term worry for shareholders.

Barrick AGM Protest in pictures
April 24th, 2013
Protesters braved the rain to send a message to shareholders of Barrick Gold: "Barrick is a toxic asset, invest in life!" (all photos

New Report! "Debunking Barrick"
by multiple authorsProtestBarrick
April 23rd, 2013
As Protest Barrick completes its sixth year of working with communities impacted by Barrick Gold, we are publishing a different kind of alternative annual report. We have noticed over the years that despite some of Barrick`s major abuses coming into light, the company has been able to maintain � within select circles � a reputation for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meanwhile, around the world, Barrick�s name is still associated with corruption, abuse and environmental harms.

2012-13: Un mal a�o para Barrick
April 19th, 2013
Extracto de "Debunking Barrick", un informe anual alternativo sobre Barrick Gold.

2012-13: A bad year for Barrick
excerpt of "Debunking Barrick", an alternative annual report on Barrick Gold
April 18th, 2013
Before you think about investing in Barrick, check out this timeline of actions against Barrick's operations around the world since last July.

CONFRONT BARRICK: 2013 AGM Protest and Alternative Annual Report!
Once a year, the board of Directors of the world�s most powerful gold mining corporation converge in downtown Toronto. This year, we're releasing a report that chronicles Barrick's lies and highlights the true stories behind their false CSR spin. Help us ensure that these stories don't get ignored.

A chronology of Canadian Government (in)action on mining abuses
by Sakura Saunders, editor
November 1st, 2012
A summary of the regulatory context of international mining in Canada, where 75% of the world's mining and exploration companies are based.

The uneasy ties between Canada�s universities and wealthy business magnates
by Theresa TedescoFinancial Post
A similar feature exists in the University of Toronto�s joint partnership with Peter Munk, chairman and founder of Barrick Gold Corp., the largest gold-mining company in the world. The Munk School of Global Affairs was established in 2009 with a $35-million donation from the mining magnate. According to the 12-page agreement, Mr. Munk�s donations will be paid in tranches over 10 years and will be subject to the Munk family�s approval.

Pay Dirt?
by Michelle SlaterCastlemaine Independent
July 27th, 2011
Can gold ever be ethical?

Informe narrativo: Manifestaci�n contra reuni�n de accionistas de la Barrick, movilizando en apoyo a comunidades afectadas
El equipo est� actualmente en Toronto, Canad�, para la reuni�n anual general de la Barrick Gold y nuestra quinta gira con comunidades afectadas. Este a�o participan representantes de comunidades de Papua Nueva Guinea, y esperamos (si logren sus visas) que se sumar�n desde Tanzania y las Filipinas tambi�n.

Barrrick Gold confronted by angry protesters
For the fifth year in a row, Sakura Saunders shows up for the Barrick annual shareholders� meeting in Toronto. But once again, she is turned back by police and Barrick�s head of security despite the fact that she�s a shareholder.

REPORT BACK: Barrick shareholder protest, mobilising in support of impacted communities
The team is currently in Toronto, Canada for the Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our 5th speaking tour with Barrick mining impacted communities. This year we are joined by Papua New Guinean community and hopefully (visas permitting) community from Tanzania and the Philippines.

TORONTO [CANADA], April 27, 2011 � Today, during the annual general meeting (AGM) of mining company Barrick Gold in Toronto (Canada), Friends of the Earth International is supporting a loud call from communities around the world for a halt to gold mining and Barrick Gold's destructive practices. Campaigners are present at the meeting and join a protest rally outside the meeting venue. Barrick Gold, the largest gold miner in the world, has been the subject of many documented studies of human rights abuses and environmental devastation globally, including in the Philippines, Tanzania and Australia.

CONFRONT BARRICK GOLD: mobilise in support of impacted communities
RSVP via Facebook
April 19th, 2011
Once a year, the board of Directors of the world's most powerful gold miner converge in downtown Toronto. Join us and representatives from mining-impacted communities to... CONFRONT BARRICK GOLD! WHEN: Wednesday 27 April 2011 @ 10.30AM WHERE: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front Street West, Toronto

Reclaiming U of T campaign aims at private donor influence on campus
by the newspaperMart�n Waldman
January 27th, 2011
This past Saturday, Sidney Smith Hall hosted Great Minds for Whose Future?, an anti-corporitazation teach-in that was the latest event in a growing overall discussion about corporate influence at U of T. A panel of speakers discussed the effects of corporatization and how to combat its ongoing influence, and while much discussion with respect to U of T was centred around the role of Peter Munk and Barrick Gold, panelists also included an organizer in similar anti-corporatization campaigns at the University of California at Berkeley, as well as a speaker from the the Extractive Industries Research Group at York University.


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