African Charter Article# 21: All
peoples shall freely dispose of their wealth and natural resources for
their exclusive interest, eliminating all forms of foreign economic
Summary & Comment: Here are five
articles on Canadian mining companies active in Africa, published in
English and in French by AfricaFiles in collaboration with Pambazuka
News � with URLs and summary/comment for easy access. Find case studies
from the D R Congo, Ghana, and Tanzania, as well as a report on
Canadian civil society efforts to get regulations passed by the
Canadian government to make mining company activities more favourable
to African peoples� interests. DN
Special issue on Canadian role in mining in Canada
engagement with Africa is frequently seen as �progressive� or perhaps
anodyne. But the reality is murkier. Published jointly by Pambazuka
News and AfricaFiles, this special issue features: - an overview on why Canada became a super power in mining investments, - why Canadian Stock Exchanges are a global centre for risky investments, - the extent of Canadian involvement, and - an examination of a new, adapted diplomacy for new situations.
issue includes case studies from the DR Congo, Ghana, Tanzania, as well
as a report on Canadian civil society efforts to get regulations passed
by the government to make company activities more favourable to African
peoples� interests.
This issue has been published in both the English and French editions of Pambazuka News.
articles on Canadian mining companies in Africa published jointly in
English and in French by AfricaFiles and Pambazuka News � with URLs and summary/comment for easy access.
1. Le Canada en Afrique : � la super puissance mini�re! � by Denis Tougas Canada in Africa: The mining superpower
Summary/ comment:
2001, les entreprises canadiennes menaient des op�rations dans 24 pays
africains alors qu�en 2007 c�est dans 35 pays. Et 92% des
investissements canadiens �taient concentr�s dans 8 pays. Par ordre
d�importance : Afrique du Sud (25%), RD Congo (17%), Madagascar (13%),
Zambie (10%), Tanzanie (9%), Ghana (6,5%), Burkina Faso (4,7%) et
Mauritanie (3%).
In 2001, Canadian companies had operations in
24 African countries, a figure that had risen to 35 by 2007. And 91% of
Canadian investments were concentrated in eight countries, with the
order of countries� importance being the following: South Africa
(25.6%), D R Congo (17.8%), Madagascar (13.8%), Zambia (9.9%), Tanzania
(9.5%), Ghana (6.5%), Burkina Faso (4.7%), and Mauritania (3%). It
remains to be seen whether Chinese investment projects in the region
will threaten Canada�s position of overall dominance. DN
2.Mining and colonial practices in Tanzania - The return of Victorian era exploitation?
Compagnies mini�res multinationals - Retour � l��re coloniale victorienne en Tanzanie
by Evans Rubara
Rubara documents the extent to which mining companies operate with
impunity in Tanzania, an impunity giving rise to sustained abuse of
local people�s rights and wholesale stealing of national resources.
cette analyse des conditions d�exploitation des ressources mini�res en
Tanzanie, Evans Rubara �voque les cha�nes de complicit�, mais aussi les
faiblesses des textes que le multinationales contournent pour piller
les ressources nationales dans des conditions qui appauvrissent les
populations des zones mini�res et ruinent l�environnement. DN
3. Empreintes et paradoxes des exploitants miniers canadiens en RDC by Mikhael Missakabo
Footprints and paradoxes of Canadian mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo
les conditions de vie des Congolais se d�t�riorent, le secteur minier
continue de fournir environ 70% du budget national. Soulignant que ces
conditions en R D Congo n�auraient jamais �t� tol�rables au Canada
m�me, Mikhael Missakabo se demande quel est l�avenir d�un continent
exploit� syst�matiquement par des int�r�ts motiv�s par un seul soucis :
le profit.
Mikhael Missakabo reveals the extent to which
Canadian mining companies are benefiting from instability and weak
institutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo to reap huge profits
while paying much attention to profit and little attention to the
ecological and human cost of their actions. DN
4. When silence is golden
Quand le silence est d�or
by Alexandra Sicotte-Levesque
Canada�s anti-poverty agenda cancelled some CAD$18 million of Ghana�s
debt in 2004, Alexandra Sicotte-L�vesque highlights the core
contradictions of a Western nation that is conversely unwilling to
accept any extra-territorial responsibilities in conflict with the
needs of its own domestic economy.
Dans un pays que les pays
occidentaux et les bailleurs de fonds multilat�raux soutiennent pour sa
stabilit� et son syst�me d�mocratique, l�exploitation de l�or est en
train de briser les �quilibres communautaires. L�exploitation de l�or
au Ghana par les multinationales canadiennes s�av�re un scandale
financier, environnemental, et politique. DN
5. Mandatory, not voluntary: Holding Canadian companies accountable by Ian Thomson Obligatoire, pas volontaire : Engager la responsabilit� des entreprises canadiennes commence au Canada
the slow progress around the implementation of greater Corporate and
Social Responsibility by the Canadian government and Canadian mining
companies, Ian Thomson describes the efforts of diverse groups of civil
society organisations to hold mining companies to account for their
actions in African countries.
Dans cet article qui souligne les
lenteurs du gouvernement canadien et ses entreprises � r�pondre aux
appels pour le respect de l��cologie et des droits humains dans les
industries mini�res, Ian Thomson d�crit les efforts de divers groupes
de la soci�t� civile pour attirer l�attention sur les actions des
compagnies mini�res canadiennes en Afrique. DN |