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DR Congo

Barrick AGM Protest in pictures
April 24th, 2013
Protesters braved the rain to send a message to shareholders of Barrick Gold: "Barrick is a toxic asset, invest in life!" (all photos

2012-13: Un mal a�o para Barrick
April 19th, 2013
Extracto de "Debunking Barrick", un informe anual alternativo sobre Barrick Gold.

2012-13: A bad year for Barrick
excerpt of "Debunking Barrick", an alternative annual report on Barrick Gold
April 18th, 2013
Before you think about investing in Barrick, check out this timeline of actions against Barrick's operations around the world since last July.

CONFRONT BARRICK: 2013 AGM Protest and Alternative Annual Report!
Once a year, the board of Directors of the world�s most powerful gold mining corporation converge in downtown Toronto. This year, we're releasing a report that chronicles Barrick's lies and highlights the true stories behind their false CSR spin. Help us ensure that these stories don't get ignored.

A chronology of Canadian Government (in)action on mining abuses
by Sakura Saunders, editor
November 1st, 2012
A summary of the regulatory context of international mining in Canada, where 75% of the world's mining and exploration companies are based.

War is Peace: Francophonie summit exposes Canada's hypocrisy towards the Congo
by Alain DenaultThe Dominion Paper (Canada)
October 15th, 2012
Comforted by the contradictions befitting classic Orwellian �doublespeak,� Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper attended the Sommet de la Francophonie in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, over the weekend.

Pay Dirt?
by Michelle SlaterCastlemaine Independent
July 27th, 2011
Can gold ever be ethical?

Informe narrativo: Manifestaci�n contra reuni�n de accionistas de la Barrick, movilizando en apoyo a comunidades afectadas
El equipo est� actualmente en Toronto, Canad�, para la reuni�n anual general de la Barrick Gold y nuestra quinta gira con comunidades afectadas. Este a�o participan representantes de comunidades de Papua Nueva Guinea, y esperamos (si logren sus visas) que se sumar�n desde Tanzania y las Filipinas tambi�n.

REPORT BACK: Barrick shareholder protest, mobilising in support of impacted communities
The team is currently in Toronto, Canada for the Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our 5th speaking tour with Barrick mining impacted communities. This year we are joined by Papua New Guinean community and hopefully (visas permitting) community from Tanzania and the Philippines.

Munk�s dubious mining morality
by John McKay, Liberal MP, OttawaThe CANADIAN PRESS
Re: Lack of support for mining bill, Letter Oct. 31 Barrick Gold Corp.�s Peter Munk raises three very dubious moral arguments in his triumphalist celebration of the defeat of C-300. The first is that mining is important to our economy. True. Apparently as long as it is generating wealth for Canada, abuse of basic human rights, degradation of the host country�s environment, and criminal code offences are okay. Interesting moral equation.

Testimony before Canadian Parliament re Barrick & Porgera JV (Papua New Guinea)
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
In October & November 2009, the Canadian House of Commons' Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & Intl. Development held hearings on "Bill C-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability". The following statements were made regarding issues including allegations of killings, rape & other security problems involving personnel at the Porgera Joint Venture in Papua New Guinea, as well as the Porgera mine's environmental impacts. (Barrick Gold holds a large majority stake of the Porgera Joint Venture.)

Barrick Gold moves to block mining book
CBC News
May 12th, 2010
The threat of legal action from mining giant Barrick Gold has forced Vancouver-based Talonbooks to postpone publication of a book about the Canadian mining industry.

Barrick Gold year in Review: One Company, 9 Countries, Countless abuses
by Sakura Saunders, editor
April 26th, 2010
From mass poisonings and mass mobilizations in the Dominican Republic, to damning reports in PNG and Tanzania to lawsuits in Chile and the US, Barrick has had its hands full this year in dealing with mounting opposition to its mines. In this Year in Review, you'll find out the ways that Barrick has damaged communities around the world and the many ways that communities are fighting back and demanding justice.

Those Bricks Barrick Gold Dropped on Publishers
by Philip
April 21st, 2010
How many readers of The Tyee or Canadians outside Quebec are aware that the same Barrick Corp., on whose board sit such eminences as Brian Mulroney, has been engaged in using SLAPPs -- Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation -- against two small presses, one in Quebec, one based in Vancouver, that have published or announced an intention to publish books that this august corporation finds offensive to its image? It took a March 25 op-ed article in Le Devoir, the independent Montreal daily (not beholden to the powerful media interests that control so many of Canada's leading newspapers) to alert me to the situation.

Digging for Gold, Mining Corruption
by John LaskerCanadian Dimension
October 29th, 2009
One of Africa�s Poorest and Most Embattled Countries is Prey to Canadian Mining Companies Searching for the Last Great Gold mine.


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