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Video invitation to the March for Life and Against Pascua Lama in Chile (En Espa�ol)


(below in english)

Amigos, amigas, comunicadores todos:

Adjuntamos link de un video que ponemos a disposici�n para invitar(nos) a la 6ta Marcha por la Vida y el Agua, contra Pascua Lama, el Saqueo y la Contaminaci�n.

Lo ponemos a disposici�n de medios de comunicaci�n, TV, Radios, Prensa, Blogs, o para dar pantallazos en alg�n espacio como en universidades, sindicatos, casas culturales, etc. 

Donde quieran, 9 minutos, es posible de ver. Contiene datos concretos, im�genes hermosas del valle del Huasco, historias dolorosas de estos casi 10 a�os de resistencia comunitaria, informaci�n de la cercan�a de Barrick con el Gobierno, y por supuesto, la gente que nos ha llamado a sumarse a esta defensa trascendental por la vida, por el agua, por lo lo m�s escencial, la tierra y el agua limpias.

Barrick pone en peligro a m�s de 70 mil personas de todo el valle del Huasco, en la Regi�n de Atacama, desde el a�o 2000 cuando present� su proyecto a la institucionalidad ambiental. Hasta hoy, pese a toda una tremenda estrategia comunicacional y social, no ha podido iniciar la construcci�n de Pascua Lama, su proyecto estrella a nivel mundial. Esto solo ha sido posible por la gente de Alto del Carmen, de Vallenar, Freirina y Huasco, en la provincia de Huasco, Atacama, pero tambi�n a todos los que han difundido este conflicto que d�a a d�a nos permite volver a nuestras ra�ces ancestrales y pensar en el futuro que queremos para nuestros hijos e hijas.

Friends, friends, all communicators:

Here's a link to a video that we provide to invite (us) to the 6th March for Life and Water, Pascua Lama against the plunder and pollution.

We made this available to the media, TV, Radio, Newspapers, Blogs, or to give some screenshots in space and in universities, unions, cultural houses, etc..

Anywhere, 9 minutes, it is possible to see. This video contains facts, pictures of the beautiful valley of Huasco, painful stories of these almost 10 years of community resistance, information on the proximity of Barrick with the Government, and of course, the people who called us to join this important protection for life and clean land and water.

Barrick threatens over 70 thousand people around the Huasco valley in the Atacama Region, since 2000 when he presented his project to the institutional environment. Until today, despite a tremendous social and communication strategy, has failed to start construction of Pascua Lama, its star project worldwide. This has only been possible by the people of Alto del Carmen in Vallenar, Huasco and Freirina in Huasco Province, Atacama, but also to all those who have spread the conflict day by day we can return to our ancestral roots and thinking about the future we want for our sons and daughters.

For nearly 10 years has held the No Pascua Lama, because Barrick Gold puts at risk the lives of 70 thousand people, and farmers living crianceros water and land.

For nearly 10 years, Pascua Lama has stressed the culture of death, while the resistance is overcome by life.

For nearly 10 years, and today we invite you to the 6th March for Life and Water Against Pascua Lama.



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