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Barrick Accused by Governor�s Brother of Mingling in Argentine Election Politics
Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA)
May 4, 2011 � In a highly unusual interview[1] with a national radio station, the brother and would be gubernatorial candidate of the incumbent Governor of San Juan Province attacked his brother (Governor Jos� Luis Gioja) and Barrick Gold of maintaining a lucrative and economically abusive relationship for the province. It seems Barrick�s profits are causing a stir in local politics that has miners and ruling family members at odds with one another.

MEDIA RELEASE: Indigenous Papua New Guinea Leaders Protest Ongoing Abuses at Barrick�s Porgera Mine
Ottawa, May 5, 2011- For the fourth year in a row, Indigenous Ipili leaders from Porgera in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are in Canada to protest ongoing severe environmental impacts and human rights abuses associated with Barrick�s Porgera mine.

Informe narrativo: Manifestaci�n contra reuni�n de accionistas de la Barrick, movilizando en apoyo a comunidades afectadas
El equipo est� actualmente en Toronto, Canad�, para la reuni�n anual general de la Barrick Gold y nuestra quinta gira con comunidades afectadas. Este a�o participan representantes de comunidades de Papua Nueva Guinea, y esperamos (si logren sus visas) que se sumar�n desde Tanzania y las Filipinas tambi�n.

Barrrick Gold confronted by angry protesters
For the fifth year in a row, Sakura Saunders shows up for the Barrick annual shareholders� meeting in Toronto. But once again, she is turned back by police and Barrick�s head of security despite the fact that she�s a shareholder.

REPORT BACK: Barrick shareholder protest, mobilising in support of impacted communities
The team is currently in Toronto, Canada for the Barrick Gold's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and our 5th speaking tour with Barrick mining impacted communities. This year we are joined by Papua New Guinean community and hopefully (visas permitting) community from Tanzania and the Philippines.

Protesting Barrick Gold, Gaining Momentum: Locked out of Barrick's annual general meeting, mining injustice activists build a protest movement
by Megan Kinch Toronto Media Co-op
Despite calls for rain, the day was sunny and beautiful for Wednesday's high energy protest against Barrick Gold's annual shareholder meeting (AGM) . According to some of the 100 or so activists in attendance, Barrick Gold's continuing disregard for human rights, indigenous sovereignty and the environment is the reason the count annual counter-protest to their AGM. They point out how earlier this year, Barrick Gold president Peter Munk excused the arrests of his security guards for raping women living near the Porgera mine site in Papua New Guniea by saying "Gang rape is a cultural habit" (see a response from the community here). Meanwhile, at the University of Toronto, Munk donations are used to divert public money away from social sciences and humanities and towards right-wing think tanks and branded institutes for "global studies' .

Protest Barrick Annual General Meeting Media Roundup
Here is a roundup as of 28 April 2011. Competing between the Canadian federal election and the royal wedding but we got some!!

[Espanol] AMIGOS DE LA TIERRA INTERNACIONAL SE SUMA A PROTESTAS CONTRA BARRICK GOLD '�Barrick Gold limpien el desastre! Derecho a la vida por encima de las ganancias del oro'
TORONTO [CANAD�], 27 de abril, 2011 � Hoy, durante la asamblea general anual (AGM) de la empresa minera Barrick Gold en Toronto (Canad�), Amigos de la Tierra Internacional apoya un fuerte llamado de las comunidades del mundo a detener la miner�a de oro y las pr�cticas destructivas de Barrick Gold. Campa�istas est�n presentes en la asamblea y se sumaron a una manifestaci�n frente al lugar. Barrick Gold, la minera de oro m�s grande del mundo, ha sido objeto de muchos estudios que documentan violaciones a los derechos humanos y devastaci�n ambiental a nivel mundial, en pa�ses como Filipinas, Tanzania y Australia.

TORONTO [CANADA], April 27, 2011 � Today, during the annual general meeting (AGM) of mining company Barrick Gold in Toronto (Canada), Friends of the Earth International is supporting a loud call from communities around the world for a halt to gold mining and Barrick Gold's destructive practices. Campaigners are present at the meeting and join a protest rally outside the meeting venue. Barrick Gold, the largest gold miner in the world, has been the subject of many documented studies of human rights abuses and environmental devastation globally, including in the Philippines, Tanzania and Australia.

[ESPANOL] Los glaciares y el clima NO se venden
En distintas partes del mundo organizaciones ambientalistas y de la sociedad civil convocan al �D�a mundial contra la Barrick gold�

University of Toronto Community Rallies Against the Corporate Takeover of UofT - joined by Noam Chomsky
The Anti-Corporatization Working Group of the UT General Assembly is calling a rally today outside of the University of Toronto�s Governing Council to protest the Munk �donation� and the privatization of education. Professor Noam Chomsky, speaking at a public lecture in the afternoon, has expressed support for the cause and is expected to make an appearance at the rally.

Munk takes on mine protesters, defends capitalism: �We do not need your money,� Indigenous Chilean woman tells Barrick Gold
by John SpearsThe Star
April 28th, 2010
Mark Ekepa journeyed from Papua New Guinea to tell the shareholders of Barrick Gold Corp. how police had burned down his house near the Barrick�s Porgera mine. Idolia Bornones travelled from Chile to say that Barrick operations are damaging local glaciers and rivers. But Barrick chairman Peter Munk was unrepentant as he faced the company�s annual meeting.

by Zaffar BalochBaloch Human Rights Council (Canada)
April 28th, 2010
Statement of Zafar Baluch, of the Baloch Human Rights Council, at the Rally outside of Barrick's 2010 annual general meeting, held on April 28.

Statement of Mark Ekepa, Chairman of the Porgera Landowners Association at Barrick�s Annual General Meeting
April 28th, 2010
Statement of Mark Ekepa, Chairman of the Porgera Landowners Association at Barrick�s 2010 Annual General Meeting, held on April 28.

Barrick Gold year in Review: One Company, 9 Countries, Countless abuses
by Sakura Saunders, editor
April 26th, 2010
From mass poisonings and mass mobilizations in the Dominican Republic, to damning reports in PNG and Tanzania to lawsuits in Chile and the US, Barrick has had its hands full this year in dealing with mounting opposition to its mines. In this Year in Review, you'll find out the ways that Barrick has damaged communities around the world and the many ways that communities are fighting back and demanding justice.

** BARRICK MINING DISASTERS - Emergency Funds Needed **
May 21st, 2009
This has been a crazy past few weeks to be watchdogging Barrick Gold. Within the first week of starting our annual ProtestBarrick tour in Toronto, a Barrick-recommended military force in PNG started to torch hundreds of houses, allegedly to clear way for mine expansion. SO... we changed plans a bit, MiningWatch Canada sent an Urgent Appeal to several United Nations Special Rapporteurs and now we are now attending the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York! Amnesty International has also made a public statement on the recent events at Porgera.

MEDIA RELEASE: Indigenous Leaders from Papua New Guinea, Chile Raise Serious Human Rights and Environmental Concerns Around Barrick Gold Operations
Mining Watch Canada
May 6th, 2009
Even as houses near Barrick's mine in the highlands of Papua New Guinea are being burned down in a joint military and police action, Jethro Tulin is in Canada to address shareholders and government officials, whom he considers complicit in the suffering of his people as a result of Barrick's Porgera Joint Venture mine.

MEDIA RELEASE: Indigenous Leaders confront Barrick Gold
April 29th, 2009
Indigenous leaders from Papua New Guinea and Chile traveled to Canada this week to attend the April 29 shareholders� meeting of Barrick Gold. Here, they will confront Barrick about human rights abuses and environmental degradation on their lands.

MEDIA RELEASE: 28 peaceful protesters arrested after authorisation to occupy mine site
April 12th, 2009
28 protesters were arrested this morning at Barrick Gold's mine operation in Lake Cowal, central western New South Wales. They were authorised to enter the mine site by Wiradjuri Tradtional Owners of Lake Cowal and its surrounds.

MEDIA ALERT: Smoking ceremony, blockade and protesters occupy open cut pit halting mine operations.
April 12th, 2009
Wiradjuri Traditional Owners and supporters are inside Barrick Gold�s mine operation in Lake Cowal central western New South Wales currently halting operations. Wiradjuri are conducting a smoking ceremony inside the mine site. Over 10,000 artefacts have been stolen and kept by Barrick Gold Corporation at the mine site in a compound encircled by a 6 foot fence. Over 25 supporters are currently occupying the open-cut pit and several others are blockading the front gate to prevent shift change.

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