VIDEO: an inside look at Barrick's Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea This film originally appeared on French Television and offers an inside look on the ground at Barrick's Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea. |
A Pattern of Abuse:
Human Rights at Risk at the North Mara Mine, Tanzania by Mining Watch, London Mining Network, Rights and Accounctability in Development, CORE, Mining Watch Canada March 28th, 2014 There has been a long history of violence at ABG�s North Mara mine in Tanzania (�the Mine�), including multiple deaths and injuries caused by Tanzanian police officers who are paid by the company to protect the Mine, as well as credible evidence of rapes of women by members of the Tanzanian police and employees of the Mine�s security unit. |
Confidential Witness reports related to class action against Barrick Gold by compiled by Sakura Saunders (with, filer: Labaton Sucharow August 3rd, 2013 The following is excerpts from court documents filed by Labaton Sucharow LLP on August 2, 2013 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. These documents were related to a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of persons or entities who purchased the publicly-traded common stock of Barrick Gold Corporation on the New York Stock Exchange between May 7, 2009 and May 23, 2013. The excerpts focus on information related to the testimony of former employees of Barrick Gold acting as confidential witnesses (CW1 - CW5) in the case. |
Beyond the Headlines: Porgera in Crisis by Sakura Saunders, from report "Debunking Barrick" In May 2009, Jethro Tulin was interviewed on the CBC�s As it Happens, reporting about the fact that over 300 houses were burnt down by police next to Barrick�s Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The news hit the front page of newspapers in PNG, citing the Jethro�s interviews from North America. Even the Sydney Morning Herald � the largest newspaper in Australia � ran an entire series of feature articles on the Porgera situation, while Amnesty International and the Coalition on Housing Rights and Evictions both made public statements condemning the house burnings. |
Gold Mine Planned for Southwest Alaska Threatens Environment and Local Communities February 27th, 2013 The Kuskokwim region is at a crossroads. A massive gold mine is planned at Crooked Creek, a tributary of the Kuskokwim. With an estimated 27 year production run churning out more than one million ounces of gold per year, the Donlin Gold mine would require an open pit two miles long, one mile wide and 1,800 feet deep, plus the largest pipeline built in Alaska since the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.While it promises jobs in a region with few employment opportunities, the mine as currently proposed could have serious consequences for subsistence livelihoods. |
Rape Victims Must Sign Away Rights to Get Remedy from Barrick MiningWatch, Canada Rights & Accountability in Development, EarthRights International January 30th, 2013 Following years of denial, Barrick Gold is implementing a remedy program for victims of rape by employees of its Porgera Joint Venture (PJV) mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In order to receive a remedy package, women must enter into an agreement in which �the claimant agrees that she will not pursue or participate in any legal action against PJV, PRFA [Porgera Remediation Framework Association Inc.] or Barrick in or outside of PNG. PRFA and Barrick will be able to rely on the agreement as a bar to any legal proceedings which may be brought by the claimant in breach of the agreement.� |
Barrick�s Billions Echo in Argentina November 24th, 2011 Local opposition politicians have decried illegalities in the granting of water permits to Barrick gold. They note that Jorge Eduardo Mill�n took consulting contracts to design the hydrological model used by Barrick at Veladero and proposed at Pascua Lama, and later, in his capacity at the Department of Hydrology for the state of San Juan, Mill�n granted Barrick the right to use over 500 litres per second of water. Barrick has also been fighting federal legislation introduced in Argentina to prevent the disturbance of glaciers. The company claims the law is unconstitutional, and enjoys the full backing of that state of San Juan. �The strong opposition to the Law adopted in the National Congress demonstrates that there are mining projects that are already affecting the areas that the new norms aim to protect, and that�s why there are strong pressures on the senate from political-economic entities to stop the law,� said Juan Carlos Villalonga, Greenpeace�s campaign director in Argentina, in a statement last fall. |
Barrick Gold in Peru November 24th, 2011 There's no doubt that Peru is of utmost importance to the mining sector generally, and to Barrick Gold in particular. In 2008, 60 per cent of Peru�s exports came from the mining sector. �Peru, in particular, has been a motor of development for the corporation,� said Aaron Regent, Barrick�s CEO, in 2010. The Pierina mine, near the highland city of Huaraz, in the department of Ancash, emerged as a flashpoint for conflict in Peru. In 2006, two miners were killed by police during demonstrations by workers and local community members demanding higher wages. Production at Pierina started in 1998, and the company has extended the mine life to 2014 because of high gold prices. |
Barrick in the Dominican Republic November 23rd, 2011 The Dominican Republic isn�t often thought of as a mining country, and today there are only a handful of mines operating in the island nation. One of those projects is the massive Pueblo Viejo mine, which is co-owned by Barrick Gold (60 per cent) and Goldcorp (40 per cent). |
THE NYAMONGO �TARIME MASSACRE AND HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS by Nyembea Stanslaus, Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) June 8th, 2011 The police army, on 16th May 2011 intentionally shot dead five people in Nyamongo-Tarime and inflicted seriously bodily harm to many others alleging that they invaded one of the Barrick Gold mines at Nyamongo-Tarime district. As part of its work, LEAT sent a special research/fact finding mission to collect facts regarding Nyamongo-Tarime massacre and impunities reportedly taking place on 16th May 2011. The fact finding mission composed of Mr. Stanslaus Nyembea (LEAT) and Evans Sichalwe (LHRC). |
![]() | Western Shoshone/Cortez Mine update by Abygale Lund, special to ProtestBarrick October 14th, 2010 The Western Shoshone have been in a constant struggle with the United States Government and Barrick Gold Corp. over the mining taking place on sacred Shoshone homelands in Nevada. The conflict focuses on two main questions: who has the rights to the land and what are the environmental impacts of mining. |
Investigation of trace metal concentrations in soil, sediments and waters in the vicinity of �Geita Gold Mine� and �North Mara Gold Mine� in North West Tanzania (with Barrick Response) by �sgeir R. Alm� s, Charles Kweyunga and Mka bwa LK Manoko Norwegian University of Life Sciences Between October and November 2009, the Interfaith Group in Tanzania launched a study report that had been commissioned to look into metal sediments in soil, water, and plants. Barrick Gold Corporation issued a counter-report. Here are the original report and the Response to Barrick in which the consultants defend their findings. There is also a link to all statements from Barrick Gold Corporation. |
Barrick Gold and Diaguita Huascoaltinos People. (a background submitted to the Canadian Parliament by the Diaguita Huascoaltinos community) May 5th, 2009 The Diaguita Huascoaltinos Agricultural Community is the heir to the lands that their ancestors have inhabited since time immemorial: the valleys and mountains of the Huasco Valley. This valley is located at the southern end of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, and it is characterized by special natural and cultural qualities. Our community is made up of 250 families of indigenous farmers and shepherds of the Huasco Valley, and it is the only indigenous community in Chile that has a domain title recognized by the Chilean State over their ancestral lands. While other indigenous groups live in the Huasco Valley, none of them have this territorial basis. |
A Profile of Barrick Mines in Canada A review of Barrick's Eskay Creek, Renabie, Hemlo Gold Camp, and Golden Patricia Mines |
![]() | Meeting with Partners at Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea by Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada January 2nd, 2009 In November 2008 MiningWatch Canada�s Catherine Coumans had the opportunity to meet with partners at Barrick Gold�s Porgera Mine in the Papua New Guinea Highlands (Enga Province). Our partners are the grassroots human rights group called Akali Tange Association (ATA) and the Porgera Landowners Association (PLOA). These two organizations created a joint organization called Porgera Alliance this year. |
United Nations Human Rights Commission Official Complaint by Catherine Coumans, on behalf of Akali Tange Association, December 2nd, 2007 |
Barrick Gold Mining Watch Canada Barrick Gold completed its acquisition of Placer Dome Inc. on March 3, 2006. Various of Placer Dome's assets were subsequently sold to Goldcorp on May 12, 2006, including all Placer Dome's mining operations, reclamation and exploration properties in Canada, Placer Dome's interest in the La Coipa mine in Chile and 40% of Placer Dome's interest in the Pueblo Viejo project in the Dominican Republic. |
Barrick�s Gold: Canadian Mine Threatens a Chileean Watershed by Ricardo Acu�a , Canadian Dimension |
Six Villagers Killed in Barrick's North Mara Mine by Tundu Lissu, Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) June 17th, 2006 Folks, It's bad news again. Over two weeks ago, on June 1, security guards employed by Barrick Gold Corp. at the North Mara Gold Mine in Tarime District, Northern Tanzania shot dead a villager who was alleged to have illegally entered the Mine complex. |
Human Rights Commission Issues Injunction Order Against Tarime Gold Mine and Four Others by Tundu Lissu, Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) November 24th, 2003 The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance today issued an order of interim injunction [pdf] against the Afrika Mashariki Gold Mine (AMGM), its Canadian parent company Placer Dome (now owned by Barrick Gold) and three officials in Tarime District. The order seeks to prevent them from carrying on a campaign intended to force Nyangoto village residents in Nyabirama area to accept inadequate compensation from the two companies. |
Bulyanhulu: Special Investigative Report - The Men Who Moil for Gold The Varsity Special Report April 15th, 2002 What happened in 1996 when a Canadian-owned mining company took possession of the largest gold find in East Africa. By Stephen Kerr and Kelly Holloway, published in the Varsity and the Atkinsonian. Available here as a PDF file (1.7 MB). |
PINOCHET'S PROFITEERS: Canadian Business in Chile by Asad Ismi, Peace Magazine Barrick's founder Peter Munk was a huge fan of General Augusto Pinochet. |